martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

Creativity and Multiple Intelligence?

Before i start to talk about this interesting issue i wanna mention two aspects related with this video. Miss Beatriz showed us a presentation called "Multiple Intelligence" last week and I think that it`s absolutely connected with Ken Robinson`s topic because some of teachers in the schools don`t appreciate children´s capacity and they don`t realized that exist more ways to learn. Although the creativity is an important aspect on children`s development none of the teachers wonder about that. The second aspect that i wanna share with you is related with all the texts that we have to read with Priscilla. Now,we know that if we considerated to the student as a individual person we increase their confidence and they can develope themselves as an autonomous student because is essential for every person to be respected and every decision that they made. However, if we are thinking about themselves like an object, and we suppress t student`s development they can´t find the way to develop their creativity.

Well, The schools believes that the human being is a machine and they can put on them every knowledge that they want . Many people think that it`s not important to considerate the creativity because it`s not part of the curriculum so that to think about that as Robinson said : " the body is just vehicle of the mind". I think it´s absolutely ridiculous to think on it because some of the students have other capacity like dancing or playing the guitar and most of the time these kind of students don´t feel comfortable with the school because they don´t appreciate the diversity of their students.

In conclusion, We must change our minds in the way that we need to considerate the multiple intelligence and the differents process in children`s learning,so that creativity is one of the most important issues that we increase in our next students.

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