martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009

This is the Last Time

Let me think of it ...

My blogging experience have had ups and downs( i must be honest) because some topics that we saw in the semester did not caught my attention, but at least it was fruitful in the way, that i could express my thoughts and feelings. I think this activity was a challenge for me and at last i can write some little words in this blog. Most of the time i enjoyed to write in the blog , but sometimes i felt that my vocabulary was such a limited because i was always writing in the same way. But now i feel it is different because i´m always trying to add new vocabulary or new expressions. Well, I think that this activity have had more advantages than disadvantages because it is know that writing help us to improve and develop our English skills. I know that Miss Bea push us to write because it is the only way to increase vocabulary. What`s more she give us a little help with the next semester.I consider one valuable advantage is that we had understood what the rest of class think. I think that some of them have surprising ideas about life and things like that.

Perhaps, i will continue writing in the blog and i hope that it will be better. Finally, i wish you luck in your final exams specially in which you are in the red line =).
Ohhh! I forget write about something ... yes! my weaknesses are too many to specify all of them, so i have to summarize that my big fault in class is ( Have a guess!) yes, i`ve never speak in class, so it seems that i do not study for anything but the truth is i`m very insecure about my .... speaking!Other weaknesses is that i`m absent-minded all the time, but i have to improve this now =)

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

Reading News

I read a text about Education but I got surprised because the whole news was related to energy resources. The news was taken from and the title is "School Colors: Green and Greener".

To begin with, the Quinnipiac University utilizes an unusual project that promoted wind energy.
Well, the main idea of the text is that the project is useful and help the environment. What`s more
this project intend to promoted serenity and visual effect for the students. Furthermore, it is producing energy too.
This text caught my attention because the tecnology can help two aspects.Firstly, the students because they enjoy with the amazing structure. Secondly, the enviroment because reduces the light consume.
According to Mr. Riley this project has lots of advantages because the windspires are very noiseless because their turbines use a productive system that every turbine is close to other so this reduces the noise absolutely.

I think this issue is related to Chile because as human being we should concern about our enviroment and we must know about how improve this kind of energy to the world.
Well, i think that Chile is trying to use this energy but it had not use in the schools yet because it is very expensive.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

"Into the wild"... the best movie ever

Well, al last i can write about a topic that i really like because watching a movie is the best pastime which you can enjoy and learn in the same time. I really think that some movies teach you important perspective of life and....... this is the case of this movie .

The director of this movie is Sean Paul and the actors are Emile Hirsh ,William Hurt and Marcia Gay Harden. The movie was opened in 2007.

"Into the wild" was based on a bestseller with the same title that the movie has and its author was Jon Krakauer. Furthermore, this movie is a true story and tells about a young american man called Cristhopher McCandless who decided live his life according his own convictions and he tries to find the real meaning of the human existence so that he lives without any support of his family and he decided to dissapear any sign of his identity. He goes to Alaska and lives his life like a nomadic existence.

The movie moves on between flashbacks and flashforwars so the audience can see his life during the movie and they can realize why he made those strongs decisions.

When he lived in Alaska he started to live his life completely and he got way from everything so that he survive with the animals that he kills and the fruits and plants that he pick on the forest.

Finally, he died by a poisonous fruit but thinking that the life is living with the people that you really love.

I think that this movie is awesome because reflect as human beign in his/her constantly wish that is better to go away of the world and live without anything but it is certainly true that we need share our life with somebody else.

martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

We did the same activity three semesters ago and my results were completely the same so that I think that my treats haven`t changed at all. However, I don`t think that i`m a dreamer because i considered myself as a realistic girl and all my things are completely down-to earth.
I liked the meaning of my personality because it`s really closed to who i am.

Well, I think these tests give us a part of ourselves but not the whole idea of us because your personality change depends the situation so that some of the aspects of your personality are more likely to the results of that test.

I considered that the results also depends on your actual mood because if your attitude is apathetic your answer will be different of the reality.

Hmm , well i learnt new words it was the best thing that i did.

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

Creativity and Multiple Intelligence?

Before i start to talk about this interesting issue i wanna mention two aspects related with this video. Miss Beatriz showed us a presentation called "Multiple Intelligence" last week and I think that it`s absolutely connected with Ken Robinson`s topic because some of teachers in the schools don`t appreciate children´s capacity and they don`t realized that exist more ways to learn. Although the creativity is an important aspect on children`s development none of the teachers wonder about that. The second aspect that i wanna share with you is related with all the texts that we have to read with Priscilla. Now,we know that if we considerated to the student as a individual person we increase their confidence and they can develope themselves as an autonomous student because is essential for every person to be respected and every decision that they made. However, if we are thinking about themselves like an object, and we suppress t student`s development they can´t find the way to develop their creativity.

Well, The schools believes that the human being is a machine and they can put on them every knowledge that they want . Many people think that it`s not important to considerate the creativity because it`s not part of the curriculum so that to think about that as Robinson said : " the body is just vehicle of the mind". I think it´s absolutely ridiculous to think on it because some of the students have other capacity like dancing or playing the guitar and most of the time these kind of students don´t feel comfortable with the school because they don´t appreciate the diversity of their students.

In conclusion, We must change our minds in the way that we need to considerate the multiple intelligence and the differents process in children`s learning,so that creativity is one of the most important issues that we increase in our next students.

miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2009

First of all, I wanna tell you a little story before I begin with my interests studying English Pedagogy.

When I finished my studies in HighSchool, i had not idea what i wanted to study,so that i wanted to be prepared for PSU and give my best, but my father told me that my best choice was to study in that moment. Althought i wasn't sure about what career to choose, i studied Sciences for 2 years.

Well, the thing is that i`m pretty conscious about the huge change i made However, I chose this special career because as my father said: English opens doors. I'll have the opportunity to travel and practice my skills there. I must say that in my first year i wasn`t completely happy with the career because i have had a different education area, so that affects my concentration in this specific humanist area.

On the other hand, I chose this university because it has a huge prestige in education. Besides, i was trying to connect my educational interests with the best private univesity.

Well, day by day i`m convencing myself that i chose well because as a teacher you have the power and responsability to do good things in others minds. In addition , i have the most difficult duty in the society because as a teacher i must always increase the English skills.

What`s more my tools need to be sound and the whole sense of the word.

In conclusion, to be a teacher is a long race that we must prepared as an athlete because our tools will be the support in our's students future.

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009

Today is raining!

What a brilliant idea that God sent us, today! and anybody brings an umbrella, but at least we don`t have smoke in the air =). As well as the weather! we have too much to study, so we can go to our house and drink a cup of hot chocolate and read, read and read xD.

Today`s class was in the lab and it`s the only reason why i wrote.

Talking about the same issue i found lots of quizzes and i did some of them, it was very productive because i learnt new vocabulary and new expressions, so i will try to used them as much as possible.

By the way, i promise i will go to every worshop and the girls know why :P.

it could`ve been different from the very beggining. =)

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009

Sorry about the last post but I didn´t know about what I could write. For that reason,
this time I just want to tell you about some of my favourite expectations for this semester.

I would like to feel better and self-confident with the way I express myself, because I know that
I have had some problems with this. Consequently, this semester I want to be more efficient and responsable with
my studies.

I promise to myself that I will be more spontaneous and active in terms of oral participation. In that way
I will improve my oral skills, and participation in classes.

I am quite sure this semester I will do my best.