martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Crazy Horse

Crazy Horse was an important indian chief who belonged to Lakota Ollala ethnic group. He, Red Cloud and Spottled Tail set up an alliance to fight against white people. He had plenty of combat abilities and he could show them when he fought against settlers in Fetterman.
These ethnic groups were fighting against settlers because they wanted lands and animals of these tribes. For that reason U.S Government established a peace treaty which assigned territories to Cheyennes and Lakotas. However, Crazy Horse did not accept this and he and his group were walking outside Sioux reservation as a way to make pressure to U.S Government, but that did not happen and Crazy horse had to give up as soon as Government pushed him to do it.

I think that Crazy Horse did a heroic act, because he defended his own origins and the others as native american. What`s more his life was ideal and also was demostrated until the last consequence. I consider he was an example for his tribe and a leader as well.

To sum up, I think that it`s valuable fight nail and tooth defending your ideals and convictions as Crazy Horse did.

4 comentarios:

  1. I also think he was a hero, because he made everything to fight for his tribe.I agree with you, because I think we have to deffend our thoughts and origins either way we can.

  2. sweetie! I read your commments in my blog. I totally agree with you. we, as Chilean, have got some incredible heroes through our History. Caupolican , Lautaro, Galvarino, just to name but a few, marked all our history with courage and adeology. I support your idea that we should dedicate more time to study our own history and reconise the importance that it has. For instance, we could do the same kind of works, but guiding it in our own reality.

  3. I think this kind of people like Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull should be well-known in the whole world, because they defended their thoughts and lands... For me they are heros :)

  4. I think Crazy Horse was a hero reading the history that wrote here. His story is similar with the Mapuche's because they are defending all the time their belongins against companies and the injusticies by the Government too.
